Essentials of Reliable Stream Processing: A Visual Demo using Apache Flink

講者: 戴資力 / Apache Flink Committer,
地點:4F – 國際會議廳
講題: Essentials of Reliable Stream Processing: A Visual Demo using Apache Flink


鍵因素:Correctness, Robustness, 與 Maintainability。
不紙上談兵,演講中會直接 Demo 這三大關鍵因素的代表意義以及若缺
少了會造成的影響。Demo 將會建立在 Apache Flink 上,但觀念實

The aim of this talk is to go through the 3 key essentials
I deem a must for a reliable stream processing framework:
Correctness, Robustness, and Maintainability.
Instead of only theory talking, I will demonstrate by
letting attendees "see" the essentials at work, and what
will happen without them. The demonstration will be built
on Apache Flink with Flink's out-of-the-box support for
these essentials. However, the general take-away for
attendees is to be able to have the 3 key essentials in
mind to help them with deciding on a stream processing
system for their data infrastructures.


Tzu-Li (Gordon) Tai is a Committer member at the Apache
Flink project. He works at VMFive as a software engineer,
building scalable backends and data platforms to handle
streaming data for mobile advertisement. He is mostly
interested in the development and design of distributed
computing software systems.
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